Již tradičně jsme se zúčastnili jako družstvo složené ze SAM 95 a SAM 78 zúčastnili korespondenční soutěže o Pohár Franka Ehlinga v kategorii 1/2 A Texaco družstev.
Hodnotí se vždy první 3 nejlepší výkony v družstvu. Letos jsme obsadili 3. místo!
Miroslav Dvořáček
Dear SAMs Fliers,
I enjoy receiving the results from each SAM team and reading the short stories of the challenges each team faced in entering the contest. The weather seems to be a major concern in scheduling and conducting the event. With that in mind, I am considering a 90 day window from September 1st to November 30th with the results due by December 5th. This should allow a greater freedom in selecting some good weather conditions for each global location in which the contest are held. I would appreciate your comments; do you think this is a good idea or not.
I intend to send out the invitation to participate in the Postal Challenge in January 2018. Thank you.
George Lamb SAM 114
Výsledky ve formátu pdf stahujete: Results for the Frank Ehling International 1/2A Texaco Postal Challenge 2017